These delicious nachos are so easy to make even a novice cook could whip them right up. Easily modify this recipe to make a dish all your own or make it fun for the kids by letting them add their own toppings. No matter what you decide one things for sure, once you try this delicious recipe, you wont ever make nachos again without adding some Shop Sauce!
Everyone has had a Quesadilla before but not many have had one with Shop Sauce! These delicious and one of a kind Quesadilla’s are easy to make and can be used as a main dish, appetizer, even a party snack. You can spice up your Quesadilla with our NEW High Octane Shop Sauce or have a more mild taste by using our NEW Low Octane Shop Sauce!
Made chunky or smooth, best enjoyed with chips, steak, pork or omelettes, this guacamole is a perfect dip for year-round parties, indoors or out. Use it as an appetizer while grilling with Shop Sauce.
This summer salsa is great over omlettes, tacos, steak or pork as well as with chips. It can be as spicy or mild as you like it. Add as much cilantro as you like to taste, and your choice of tomatoes according to how juicy you like it. Dip into it while you’re grilling with our famous Shop Sauce.
We make these at every BBQ and party! They disappear very quickly. Our Shop Sauce adds the final touch to bring out the savory flavors in the dish.